Meet the people who create our images
We’re delighted to work alongside the photographer Richard Osbourne and artist Ashley Phillips. We are proud that both Richard and Ashley have given us exclusivity to print their images onto glass.
As a British photographic artist, Richard is passionate about bringing the magic of the natural world into our otherwise unnatural environments. A professional photographer since 2003, Richard’s artworks are now seen by over 8 million people in Britain each year; they are on the walls of hospitals, conference centres, offices, leisure centres and private homes.
Click here to view all of our Richard Osbourne products.
Ashley is a designer and artist who spent the first ten years of his creative career as a mural artist. This is the first time Ashley has created a commercial collection and we are honoured that he has selected us for his exclusive collaboration. All Ashley’s designs have his signature on them; he has personally selected the most complementary colour for each one.
Click here to view all of our Ashley Phillips products.